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What Are Electrolytes?

What Are Electrolytes?

An electrolyte can be defined as any substance, which if dissolved in water or any other solvent, results in a solution capable of conducting electricity. Anions and cations are produced and distributed in a uniform manner all over the solvent due to the them that was dissolved.

They are also present in the human system as they are vital for the survival of human beings. This is based on the fact that the dissolved they have the capability of conducting electricity. The human body gains some electric current from them that helps in a lot of body functions.

Body Functions that Require them to Function Properly

pH levels of the body: pH is an acronym which represents potential of hydrogen. It is the measure of alkalinity or acidity of substances soluble in water. The value for pH levels ranges between 1 and 14, with the middle number 7 representing a point that is neutral. A pH level greater than 7 shows alkalinity. Thereby, the higher the number is above 7, the more alkaline the substance is, implying 14 is the highest level of alkaline. On the other hand, pH levels less than 7, implies acidity. The lesser the number, the more acidic the substance will be, with 1 being the most acidic. The recommended blood pH level is slightly alkaline and best between 7.35 and 7.45. They are important in regulating the level of pH level of the blood.

Hydration: Every part of the body including the brain requires adequate water to function properly. It is thus important for that right quantity of water to be available outside and inside every body cell. Sodium, which is an electrolyte, as well as some others utilize osmosis to maintain the balance of fluid in the body. They ensure dehydration does not result to cells getting shrunken and that cells do not burst as a result of too much water.

Functioning of the Muscle: Calcium, an electrolyte, is required by the muscle for proper contraction. Fibers in the muscle are able to move across one another as well as slide together when the muscle contracts and shorten due to the presence of calcium. Furthermore, magnesium contributes to a smooth process of outward sliding and relaxation that follows the contraction of muscles.

Function of the Nervous System: Sodium contributes significantly to the transmission of electrical signs that convey messages sent by the brain to the body.

Effects of an Imbalance

When there is an imbalance of in the body, it results in a number of problems for the body including:

  • Convulsions
  • Headaches
  • Cramping and weakness of the body
  • Confusion
  • Tingling and numbness
  • Irregular or fast heartbeat.
  • Tired
  • Dizzy


Maintaining a diet that is healthy is easily the best way to maintain, reach and ensure balance. They are natural in the human body and their sources are listed below:

  • Calcium: Green vegetables, dairy products and its alternatives.
  • Magnesium: Nuts and seeds
  • Potassium: Sweet potato, avocado, bananas as well as other vegetables and fruits
  • Chloride: Table salt
  • Sodium: Table salt, cheese and pickled foods.

Finally you will be happy to know that Revival Shots are packed full of electrolytes which is great to aid morning recovery and help you wake up with a clear head, even after a big night drinking or partying!!