Sports Re-hydration
In order for the human body to preform optimally, both physically and mentally, it is important to stay hydrated, failure to do so can result in significant reduction in athletic performance. In extreme cases the body may enter into a hypohydration state in which the body’s metabolic demands are not met due to lack of water. During exercise we also loose a lot of electrolytes through the process of sweating.
It is therefore imperative to ensure that the hydration is tackled before, during and after sport or strenuous activity. Revival Shots is based on world health organisation approved formula to help with re-hydration. Our powder is a blend of vitamins and minerals that allows for quicker and more effective absorption of water compared to drinking water alone. It also replaces the electrolytes lost during sport.
We always recommend taking one stick of Revival Shots before training and one immediately after for best results.
We told you we are lot more than just hangovers 😉