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Importance of Rehydration supplements for Endurance Training

Keeping the body hydrated by rehydration supplements or by hydration drink during exercise is essential to replace fluids lost in sweat. In most cases, during workout, the rates of sweat loss are higher than the rate you can intake liquids, so most athletes get into fluid deficit. Therefore, fluid guidelines promote drinking more fluid to reduce the deficit and potential detriments associated with dehydration. However, it is also essential to acknowledge that it is possible to overly consume liquids during exercise. It highlights the importance of knowing your sweat rate and how much you should be drinking.

Endurance and Dehydration: A New Paradigm

In laboratory studies, endurance performance was evaluated as pre-work rate or short, high-intensity, time-trial type exercises followed by training-induced body weight loss. These studies demonstrated that workout-induced bodyweight loss reduces performance. Additionally, under most training and racing scenarios, athletes adopt pacing strategies that vary the speed on a macro or a micro-scale throughout their training and racing. These testing methods, however, have inherent weaknesses in terms of ecological validity and external validity.

How to Hydrate by Rehydration supplements

Performance sustained fight against weight loss during exercise is not a prerequisite for achieving remarkable results. However, the previous findings should not be interpreted as the importance of rehydration supplements like electrolyte powder during exercise should be ignored. Exercising to lose bodyweight impairs endurance under certain circumstances. The benefits of hydration drink on performance can be maximised if athletes are armed with basic knowledge.  

Drink plenty of water before exercising

It is self-evident that some athletes enter a session already dehydrated, but studies have shown that this is not always the case. The performance of aerobic exercise deteriorates when starting with a less than optimal body weight. 

Drink as much or as little as you feel thirsty

Athletes who consume liquids according to their thirst or those who keep their bodies hydrated by rehydrated supplements improve their cycling time-trial. The results showed that athletes who drank less and drank more than their appetite decreased their capability significantly. Despite the theory that it is critical to take fluids during prolonged exercise before hunger sets in, these results indicate that endurance will have deteriorated when athletes take fluids. Still, osmotic-induced thirst is characterised by a dry, sticky, thick sensation in the mouth, tongue, and pharynx after drinking a substantial amount of fluid. It is not easy to define thirst sensation because it occurs over a graduated continuum.

Hydration Drink intake should be limited during 1-hour high-intensity workout

Hydration Drink intake is not necessary to maximise endurance during a 1-hour high-intensity workout session. When workout induced bodyweight loss is combined with a well-hydrated state, endurance is improved by 0.48%, although in a not-significant manner. 


These guidelines provide the foundation for the design of an effective hydration strategy. Despite our limited knowledge, readers must bear in mind that this is still a field of research in its infancy. Until more can be learned, reliable recommendations cannot be confidently made to competitors seeking the best performance. Running time trials may be affected by workout-induced body weight loss, for instance.