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Endurance Sports, What Are They And How To Train?

Activities by an individual such as an athlete, in which specific or key muscles are exercised at a high intensity for a specified prolonged period of time. Usually, athletes who are looking forward to participate in such sporting events have to do endurance training exercises so that they can increase their chances of emerging winners. Such sports are centered on individual athletes and not on teams as seen in other sports such as football. Examples of such include cross country skiing, cycling, weightlifting, wrestling, race walking, marathons, and swimming.

How to train?

For an athlete to stand a better chance of emerging as a winner in any event, he needs a specific training exercise. The exercise is aimed at training key muscles that are needed in the participation. So, how exactly do you go out preparing?

There are some tips that an athlete could use to build enough energy or strength needed for an intense training. They include the following:

  • Preparation is important

Before you participate in an event, you need to prepare well so that you can optimize your performance. You will need to pay attention to issues such as proper protein intake in your diet, proper body hydration, proper strength training and warm-ups.

  • Keep your body hydrated

Water is very essential for any athlete who is planning to participate in an endurance activities. And for this reason, athletes should keep their bodies hydrated in order to perform excellently. Inadequate water level in your body as an athlete could lead to depletion of some of your body’s mineral stores such as electrolytes, causing muscle crumps and muscle fatigues.

Therefore, an athlete should drink at least 16-24 ounces of water before working out or training for an endurance sport. Make sure that you take in water according to your body weight. For example, if you weigh 120 pounds, you should take 60 ounces of water per day.

  • Engage yourself in dynamic warm-ups

Performing dynamic warm-ups ensures that you exercise all your muscles that you will need when participating. You could perform various dynamic warm-ups such as stretches, squats, push-ups, body weight drills, jumping jacks, and also dynamic planks. Dynamic warm-ups have proved very effective since they improve an athlete’s mobility as they reduce the risk of muscle injuries. Also, these warm-ups stimulate athlete’s nervous system to perform excellently even when the muscles are under stress.

  • Include strength training in your training

Endurance need strength and agility. For this reason, athletes who are looking forward to participate in should include strength training in their daily warm-ups and/or work outs for them to optimize their performance. Strength training increases an athlete’s energy and speed as it reduces injuries. Make sure you perform three 40-minute strength work-outs per week.

  • Eat a balanced diet

All the energy, minerals and water that an athlete requires for an is obtained from food or diet. Therefore, an athlete should eat foods that contain all the vital proteins, minerals as well as vitamins for him/her to perform excellently in such a high-intensity sporting events. Protein is very essential since it provides the needed energy. Make sure you eat 1 gram of proteins per pound of your body weight. This means that you will need 150 grams of proteins if your body weight is 150 pounds.

Essentially hydration is essential, and the best way to prevent dehydration is with Revival Shots 😊