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10 Hydration Myths

10 Hydration Myths

Everyone knows that staying hydrated is one of the best things we can do to our body. However, some of these advice are not entirely accurate. Here are the 10 hydration myths that you should stop believing.

1.   Thirst is a good indicator of hydration status.

By the time you experience thirst, you’re most likely already significantly dehydrated. This is because the feeling of thirst only kicks in once dehydration is already too much.


Thus, we recommend that you check your urine or pee when determining your hydration status. Your urine should be a pale or clear color and you should excrete a good volume of it, too.

2.   You can only get hydrated by drinking water.

Well drinking water is probably the easiest and most effective way you can hydrate yourself, there are other ways that you can integrate hydration into your diet.


Eating fruits and vegetables high in water also provide you with a good source of hydration. This includes fruits with high water content like watermelon, tomatoes, cucumber, Romaine lettuce, etc.

3.   There is no such thing as overhydration.

There is such a thing as over hydration. This will tell you the sodium and other electrolytes in your body which is detrimental to your health.


However, overhydration is not much of a concern as opposed to dehydration. It is very rare that a person can over hydrate him or herself but it does happen.

4.   Hydration only comes from clear liquids.

People get some amount of water from juices, soups, and other flavored drinks. Thus, water is not the only drink that will keep us hydrated. However, for the most part, our hydration should come from water.

5.   Drinking eight glasses of water a day is great.

Our bodies are all different. We all have different weights and levels of activities. Furthermore, we live in different places with different climates. Thus, a general rule of drinking a certain amount of water isn’t entirely accurate.


Moreover, people with certain medical conditions like congestive heart failure or may need to decrease water intake.

6.   You only lose water through sweat and urine.

We don’t only lose water from our sweat and pee. Bowel movements and respiration or breathing also cause us to lose certain amounts of water.

7.   Water is the only thing you lose.

Unfortunately, when we sweat, pee, and have bowel movements, we don’t only lose water but also a bunch of electrolytes that are essential to our bodies.

8.   We should drink water first thing in the morning.

For the most part, timing hydration isn’t a big concern. Thus, it is a myth that we should all drink water right before waking up to recover the losses from sleep.

9.   The best way to rehydrate is by drinking water.

If we are suffering from severe or chronic dehydration, water may not be enough to replenish our bodies. We may need electrolyte or fluid replacements to compensate for the heavy loss.

10.                Dehydration is not a major health concern.

Dehydration, when severe, can significantly impair bodily functions. It can lead to seizures, coma, and death.